ຈີນ Double Wire ໂຮງງານຮົ້ວແລະຜູ້ຜະລິດ | Yeson

ຮົ້ວ Double Wire


Double wire fence system is a rigid yet unobtrusive mesh fencing system.It is often used as fence for industrial or commercial premises and sports pitches where a strong mesh fencing system required.


ຜະລິດຕະພັນ Tags

Double wire fence system is a rigid yet unobtrusive mesh fencing system.It is often used as fence for industrial or commercial premises and sports pitches where a strong mesh fencing system required.

Material: Q195, steel wire

Surface treatment:

ສາຍ I. ດໍາ welded ຕາຫນ່າງ + pvc ເຄືອບ;

II. Electro galvanized welded ຕາຫນ່າງ + pvc ເຄືອບ;

III. ຮ້ອນຈຸ່ມ galvanized welded ຕາຫນ່າງ pvc + ເຄືອບ.

(ສີ PVC ເຄືອບ: ສີຂຽວຊ້ໍາ, ແສງສີຂຽວ, ສີຟ້າ, ສີເຫຼືອງ, ສີຂາວ, ສີດໍາ, ສີສົ້ມແລະສີແດງ, ແລະອື່ນໆ)

Double FASTENINGS ຮົ້ວລວດ:

ໃນຫມູ່ຄະນະແລະຂໍ້ກໍາລັງຮ່ວມກັນຮ່ວມກັນກັບໄລປະຕູຫລື rivets, ການນໍາໃຊ້ພາທະນາຍຄວາມແປເຫຼັກ, ຫຼື clamps ເຫຼັກພິເສດ, ແກ່ນຂອງຫມາກໄມ້ທັງຫມົດແມ່ນ locking.This ຕົນເອງຍັງສາມາດໄດ້ຮັບການອອກແບບມາເປັນການຮ້ອງຂໍລູກຄ້າພິເສດ.


It is used for fencing most industrial sites, sporting fields, multi-games area, protection of schools and nurseries, Corporate or college campuses, housing projects, healthcare or research facilities, Airports, parking facilities, commercial and industrial properties, pools, amusement parks, tennis courts, public parks and playgrounds, etc.


ຂະຫນາດ Panel (ມມ) ຂະຫນາດຮູ (ມມ) ເສັ້ນຜ່າສູນກາງສາຍ (ມມ) Post ສູງ (mm)
630 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 1100
830 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 1300
1030 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 1500
1230 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 1700
1430 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 1900
1630 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 2100
1830 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 2400
2030 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 2600
2230 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 2800
2430 × 2500 50 × 200 8 × 2 + 6 6 × 2 + 5 6 × 2 + 4 3000





  • ທີ່ຜ່ານມາ:
  • : ຕໍ່ໄປ

  • ສົ່ງຂໍ້ຄວາມຂອງທ່ານມາຫາພວກເຮົາ:


