Кытай ат тосмо фабрика жана өндүрүүчүлөр | Yeson

ат тосмо

Кыска Description:

Horse fence is made of high-quality carbon steel wire and stainless steel wire through by our automatic machines.


 I. Electric galvanized

 II. Hot dipped galvanized

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The ат тосмо is made of high-strength galvanized steel wire automatic machinery. It is a widely used protection of ecological balance, prevention of landslides, and animal husbandry fences.


I. Электр-аракет кылууга түрткү берген

II. Hot-аракет кылууга түрткү берген бир үзүм

Weaving process:

(1) The loop-type grassland net is formed by the machine twisting the warp and weft loops;

(2) The warp and weft thread of the piercing grassland net is formed by locking the piercing;

(3) The wrap-around grassland net is automatically twisted by special mechanical equipment.

horse fence(4)

Features of horse fence:

Flat торлорду бети, бекем жана так түзүлүшүн, ошондой эле таратылып арматура, бекем сактап, башкалар да зым торго бир бөлүгү болсо, жылмаланган же кысымга алынып, ал чече албайт. Шалбаа тосмо туруктуу дат болуп саналат.

The horse fence is mainly used for:

Grassland construction in pastoral areas, grassland can be fenced and fixed-point grazing is implemented, and grazing is carried out by fences. It is convenient for the planned use of grassland resources, effectively improves grassland utilization and grazing efficiency, prevents grassland degradation, and protects the natural environment.

cattle fence(6)


мал Дубал
сетка өлчөмдөрүнө GW (кг) Wire Диаметри (мм)
7/150/813/50 + 102 + 178 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 19.3 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
8/150/813/50 89 (75) + 89 + 102 + 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 20.8 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
8/150/902/50 102 + 89 + 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 + 178 21,6 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
8/150/1016/50 + 114 + 102 127 + 140 + 152 + 178 + 203 22.6 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
8/150/1143/50 + 127 + 114 140 + 152 + 178 + 203 + 229 23,6 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
9/150/991/50 89 (75) + 89 + 102 + 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 + 178 23.9 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
9/150/1245/50 + 114 + 102 127 + 140 + 152 + 0178 + 203 + 229 26,0 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
10/150/1194/50 89 (75) + 89 + 102 + 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 + 178 + 203 27,3 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
10/150/1334/50 102 + 89 + 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 + 178 + 203 + 229 28,4 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр
11/150/1422/50 89 (75) + 89 + 102 + 114 + 127 + 140 + 152 + 178 + 203 + 229 30,8 2,0 / 2,5 миллиметр


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