Sìona sealach feansa factaraidh agus luchd-dèanaidh | Yeson

sealach feansa

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Welding Temporary fence also named Australia temporary fence

Material : iron,steel,galfan wire

Surface finish: hot-dip galvanizing,dip-coting,spray blasting

Column: square tube round tube peach column new anti-theft column round tube is the most common

bathar Detail

bathar Tags

Welding Temporary fence also named Australia temporary fence

Material : iron,steel,galfan wire

Surface finish: hot-dip galvanizing,dip-coting,spray blasting

Column: square tube round tube peach column new anti-theft column round tube is the most common


It can be reusable or rented; Used as temporary barrier, safety isolation, road leading and order maintaining for municipal, engineering construction, important gathering festival or sports events.

Sònrachaidhean mar leantainneach:

Temporary  Fence
tàthadh mogaill Hole Meud 50x50mm, 50x150mm, 60x150mm, 100x200mm
Uèir trast-thomhas 2.8mm-4.0mm
Pannal leud 2.1m, 2.4m, 3.0m
Frame Pipe meud Ø25mm-48mm, dubh no pìoba Galvanised pìoba
Balla tiughad 1.2mm-2.5mm
Whole àirde 1.8m, 2.1m
Accessories Plastic bunait: The làn dùinte plastaig ionad a lìonadh le ghainmheach saimeant; Hollow plastaig ionad Faodar thilgeadh concrait saimeant pàirt ann an lagan
Iron bunait: Rectangular bonn truinnsear ionad agus tube bathar tàthaidh
Connection Regular feansa accessories, chriomagan


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