Sìona sluagh smachd starra factaraidh agus luchd-dèanaidh | Yeson

sluagh smachd starra

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Crowd control barrier are commonly used at many public events. security for special events, parades, festivals, concerts and sporting events.crowd control barrier is ideal where high quality, attractive and durable crowd control is required.

bathar Detail

bathar Tags

Crowd control barrier is commonly used at many public events. security for special events, parades, festivals, concerts and sporting events.crowd control barrier is ideal where high quality, attractive and durable crowd control is required.

Brath Crowd Control Barrier Fence:

1.Crowd Control Barrier Fence to secure construction sites and private property;

2.Crowd Control Barrier Fence airson mòr-thachartasan poblach, spòrs, cuirmean-ciùil, fèisean, gatherings, amaran-snàmh agus chleachdaidhean eile;      

3.Crowd Control Barrier Fence còmhnaidh làraich taigheadais;

4.The troigh a tha air falbh a 'dèanamh còmhdhail agus a' stòradh tòrr nas fhasa agus nas èifeachdaiche.

Application :

They are mainly applied in pulic events, sports, concerts, festivals, gatherings, parade routes, block parties, waiting lines, grand openings, parking lots, construction sites, carnivals, fairs.

Sònrachaidhean mar leantainneach:

Sònrachaidhean Normal Meud
Pannal Meud 914 × 2400mm, 1090 × 2000mm, 1090 × 2010mm, 940 × 2500mm
Frame 20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 42mm, 48mm OD
Infill feansa 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 20mm, OD
beàrnan 100mm, 120mm, 190mm, 200mm
Crìochnaichte Hot-tumadh galvanised no Pùdar còmhdach an dèidh an tàthadh
Feet Flat troigh, Drochaid troigh agus troigh Tube


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