Anti climb security fence is also called 358 fence which is the ultimate heavy duty welded mesh panel providing the highest degree of security with excellent see through visibility.
stuth: Q195, Mild Steel
Surface treatment: pvc coated
Color: dark green, light green, blue, yellow, white, black, orange and red, etc.
Sònrachaidhean mar leantainneach:
Pannal àirde | 2100mm | 2400mm | 3000mm |
Fence àirde | 2134mm | 2438mm | 2997mm |
Pannal leud | 2515mm | 2515mm | 2515mm |
Hole meud | 12.7mm × 76.2mm | 12.7mm × 76.2mm | 12.7mm × 76.2mm |
chòmhnard uèir | 4mm | 4mm | 4mm |
inghearach uèir | 4mm | 4mm | 4mm |
Pannal cuideam | 50kg | 57kg | 70kg |
a 'Phuist | 60 × × 60 2mm | 60 × × 60 2mm | 80 × × 80 3mm |
'Phuist dh'fhaid | 2.8m | 3.1m | 3.1m |
trom air bar | 40 × 6m Rachadh | 40 × 6m Rachadh | 40 × 6m Rachadh |
stèidhean | 8 Gal Bolt c / w maireannach tèarainteachd cnò | ||
Àireamh nan stèidhean | 8 | 9 | 11 |
Animals a 'gabhail ris |