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    በ 1990 ተመሠረተ
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    ከ 10 የምርት መስመሮች
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    ከ 100 ሚሊዮን
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    20 + ምርቶች, አንድ-ማቆሚያ ግብይት

የምስክር ወረቀት



አዲስ ነገር መፍጠር


የአገልግሎት መጀመሪያ

  • What are the main points of installing wrought iron fence?

    There are many types of this kind of wrought iron fence, and different fence installation points are also different, we usually see many kinds. This kind of guardrail structure is relatively simple, so the installation is relatively convenient, but even if the installation is very convenient, pay...

  • What should I pay attention to during the use of the bending fence?

    3d Bending fence is also a relatively common guardrail product at present. Some people may need to purchase it. If you want to purchase this product, you should pay attention to some related issues, such as the use of Beijing-style guardrail. what? Many people have overlooked this point, and don’...

መልእክትዎን ለእኛ ይላኩ

እዚህ መልዕክት ይጻፉ እና ለእኛ ይላኩት